aka Sgt. Freiderich the Halberdier: ready for battle. |
Red Box Games is sculptor Tre Manor's fantasy miniatures company. I first became aware of, and was impressed by, his work with his Reaper Miniatures. I was really blown away by his own Red Box line. His previous work has really honed his crafting skills to his present level. The figures are detailed, the casts are crisp and clean. The are a little bit slighter than most "heroic scale" fantasy miniatures and will be noticeable standing next to even his own Reaper sculpts. When I first got them I was a bit taken aback by this, and not sure how I felt about the scale. After cleaning one up and getting some paint on it I decided: these figures are great. I like the realism and detail, and Tre Manor and his Red Box line are among my favorite figures.
Red Box Games does not have items numbers. The miniatures pictured is from his
Aenglish line (fantasy medieval humans) and is name/ID is Robert of Carlisle Wall. I received it as a part of a Kickstarter Red Box had going.
The figure is going to represent Sgt. Freiderich the Halberdier in some fantasy rpg games. The character was originally a follower for a paladin character of mine. The model really fits the character as it is a grizzled, no nonsense veteran fighter.